Billionaire Ark Rules

1. Human/Humano names are not allowed
Please make sure to name your character. If someone is found having a Human/Humano name, admins is free to change their name to whatever they like.

2. Make a Tribe upon joining
This makes it much easier for the admins and other players to identify your lost dinos!

3. Offline breeding is not allowed
This will cause lag on the server. You can mate multiple dinos simultaneously but make sure not to leave them mating before you go offline.

4. Amount of Dinosaurs allowed while uncryoed
While ONLINE a massive amount of 55 dinosaurs are allowed to be out.

While OFFLINE a respectable amount of 45 dinosaurs are allowed to be out to reduce the lag on the server.

When caught having more than 45 dinosaurs while offline, an amount of dinosaurs will be confiscated until the 45 dinosaurs limit has been met, you may claim confiscated dinosaurs from the Admins by opening a ticket.

5. Profanity on in-game chat is not allowed

5a. No use of profanity to target any individuals on the server. Mutual respect is key

5b. NSFW topics on in-game chat is not allowed

48-hour pick-up time on Black Market orders

6a. Black market orders must be picked up within 48 hours

6b. Let admins know in your ticket if time needs to be extended

7. All tribes are allowed to have 2 PVE land bases and 1 water base and 1 Apartment for Rent

7a. Your base must be rendered from one end to another. This is to keep bases from being too big which causes lag in the server.

7b. Ocean and Sky platforms must not go over 8 platforms

7c. Tree platforms must not go over 8 platforms (DOES NOT APPLY TO ASE)

8. Do not build within the maximum render range of another tribe’s base without permission

Our rule of thumb is that you are too close if you can see a wall of the base. If you can see the wall or gate but not the main base structure you should be courteous and ask if you can build. Be mindful that bases tend to grow with time, so space can quickly become an issue.

9. Building in Artifact Caves is not allowed

Building in caves is Allowed but not in artifact caves.

Building in artifact caves is not allowed unless it is temporary such as sleeping bags.

10. You must keep all gas and oil pumps unlocked for other players to use.

10a. You must keep your perimeter gates unlocked.

It’s a fact of life that people disconnect while flying over bases!

11. Empty your beaver dams and supply drops; eat unwanted trench eggs; clear taming pens

This includes taming pens and temporary structures that aren’t part of your base. Please keep unnecessary clutter to a minimum to help us maximize player-useable space and keep server loads balanced.

12. When you log out, or go AFK, place your inventory into storage and lay in a bed!

Even though we have mesh detection, rejection, and killing disabled, Ark will still randomly kill your toon when you’re away. It’s rare, but we only offer recovery of items lost while offline once as a one-time courtesy (except for donors). Any storage box will do!

13. Remove your traps after each use

Traps must be removed after each use to avoid clutter in the server and let people have more space

Maximum of 10 cloners in each tribe

14. Max of 3 Replicators for each Tribe

15. No pillar, foundation, or gate spam

Offending structures will be wiped upon discovery. Repeat offenders will be warned, and then banned when found doing it again. Report suspected spam using a ticket.

16. Harassment

No harassment of other players is allowed at any time.


No picking up players without prior consent.


Bases left for longer than 4 weeks are FLAGGED and an Admin will reach out to you privately to see if you and your tribe are still actively playing on Billionaire. A response time of 48 hours will be given

If no response within 48 hours after an Admin has reached out to you on Discord, you will be given another 48 hours to respond.

If we still don't receive a response after all the warnings sent to you privately on Discord and pings on our Discord server. Your base will considered ABANDONED and will either automatically be wiped, put into Auction, or a Giveaway.

Type decay on any text channel on our Discord server to see how many days different structure types takes to decay

Please let our admins know if a base will need to be rendered/refreshed if going on a vacation


Do not build in areas of special interest such as Artifact Caves, Wyvern Scars, or any other areas marked by Admins.


21. Donators are not allowed to trade or give their Donator dinos to anyone outside of the Tribe

21a. Donator dinos cannot be cloned

Billionaire Island Enforcement Policy

To keep Billionaire Island enjoyable and fair, we follow a tiered enforcement system:

First Violation: Formal warning issued.

Second Violation: Fine or item confiscation.

Third Violation: Wipe of progress or severe confiscation; possible ban for extreme cases.

This system helps us maintain a balanced and respectful gameplay environment. Thank you for your cooperation.

— The Billionaire Island Team