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GAMMA Overseer


The Gamma Overseer fight is located in a high-tech arena, with intense temperatures and a challenging environment. Prepare for a battle that will test your skills, as you face off against the Overseer in the heart of the tech arena!

The pack includes all the necessary tributes to enter the Gamma Overseer fight:

  • 1x Gamma Broodmother Trophy
  • 1x Gamma Megapithecus Trophy
  • 1x Gamma Dragon Trophy

Good luck, survivor—only the strongest will emerge victorious!


1000 tokens

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BETA Overseer

Introducing the BETA OVERSEER BOSS FIGHT Pack!

Get ready to face the ultimate challenge! The BETA Overseer boss fight takes place in a high-tech arena, where extreme conditions and relentless challenges will test your skills and strategy. Only the strongest will prevail in this epic battle!

This pack includes all the essential tributes needed to access the BETA Overseer fight:

**- 1x Beta Broodmother Trophy
**- 1x Beta Megapithecus Trophy
**- 1x Beta Dragon Trophy
**- 1x Alpha Raptor Claw
**- 1x Alpha Carnotaurus Arm
**- 1x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth

Pro Tip: Ensure you’re fully prepared with top-tier gear and a reliable team before taking on this monumental challenge.

Good luck, survivor—your toughest battle awaits!


1500 tokens

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ALPHA Overseer


Prepare to face the ultimate challenge in ARK's most intense boss battle! The Alpha Overseer fight takes place in a high-tech arena, designed to push your skills, strategy, and courage to the limit. With relentless challenges and extreme conditions, only the most prepared survivors will emerge victorious in this epic showdown.

This pack includes everything you need to access the Alpha Overseer fight:

**- 1x Alpha Broodmother Trophy
**- 1x Alpha Megapithecus Trophy
**- 1x Alpha Dragon Trophy
**- 1x Alpha Raptor Claw
**- 1x Alpha Carnotaurus Arm
**- 1x Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
**- 1x Alpha Megalodon Fin
**- 1x Alpha Mosasaur Tooth
**- 1x Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye
**- 1x Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber

Pro Tip: The Alpha Overseer is no ordinary challenge—make sure your team is equipped with top-tier armor, weapons, and dinos. A strong strategy and coordinated effort are essential to success.

Good luck, survivor—the ultimate test of your strength and determination awaits!


2000 tokens

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Boss Fight Set

Broodmother Pack

The Broodmother Arena, also known as Cobweb Cave is an arena for fighting the Broodmother Lysrix boss. The Arena is 37 °C or 100 °F bring good Hyperthermia protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended!

Broodmother Lysrix can also be challenged on The Center. The Center Arena appears to be an abandoned monastery worshipping the Megapithecus, as evidenced by various statues. The Arena is 6 °C or 42 °F So little Hypothermal protection is necessary. Entering the arena on The Center will also require the Megapithecus Tributes.

The pack includes all tributes needed to enter the Broodmother Lysrix Arena on alpha level:

1x Artifact of the Clever
1x Artifact of the Hunter
1x Artifact of the Massive
10x Argentavis Talon
10x Sarcosuchus Skin
10x Sauropod Vertebra
10x Titanoboa Venom

Boss Fight Set

500 tokens

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Boss Fight Set

Megapithecus Pack

The Megapithecus Arena itself is located beneath the blue Obelisk, but you can open the portal to the arena from any Obelisk or Supply Crate
The temperatures is really low, so having good Hypothermal protection such as Fur Armor is highly suggested. Consumables such Fria Curry, Shadow Steak Saute are recommend to be consumed before and during boss fight. More advanced players can also take advantage of Tek Canteen set in warm mode.

Broodmother Lysrix can also be challenged on The Center. The Center Arena appears to be an abandoned monastery worshipping the Megapithecus, as evidenced by various statues. The Arena is 6 °C or 42 °F So little Hypothermal protection is necessary. Entering the arena on The Center will also require the Megapithecus Tributes.

The pack includes all tributes needed to enter the Megapithecus Arena on alpha level:

  • 1x Artifact of the Brute
  • 1x Artifact of the Devourer
  • 1x Artifact of the Pack
  • 10x Megalania Toxin
  • 10x Megalodon Tooth
  • 10x Spinosaurus Sail
  • 10x Therizino Claws
  • 10x Thylacoleo Hook-Claw

Boss Fight Set

500 tokens

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Boss Fight Set

Dragon Pack

This iThe Dragon Arena, otherwise known as Nerva Volcano is an arena for fighting the Dragon boss. The Temperatures are 45 °C / 113 °F so bring good hyperthermal protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended!

The pack includes all tributes needed to enter the Dragon Arena on alpha level:

  • 1x Artifact of the Cunning
  • 1x Artifact of the Immune
  • 1x Artifact of the Skylord
  • 1x Artifact of the Strong
  • 10x Allosaurus Brain
  • 10x Basilosaurus Blubber
  • 2x Giganotosaurus Heart
  • 10 Tusetheutis Tentacle
  • 15x Tyrannosaurus Arm
  • 10x Yutyrannus Lungss for testing purposes only

Boss Fight Set

500 tokens

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Boss Fight Set

ALPHA Center Pack

The Alpha Center Boss Fight in ARK: The Center occurs in the Center Arena, where players battle both the Broodmother Lysrix and Megapithecus simultaneously. The arena's temperature is a cold 6°C, requiring minimal hypothermal protection. Players have 25 minutes to defeat the bosses.

Required tributes for entry include:

  • 1x Artifact of the Clever, Hunter, Massive, Pack, Devourer, and Brute
  • 25x Megalania Toxin, Megalodon Tooth, Spinosaurus Sail, Thylacoleo Hook-Claw, Titanoboa Venom, and more

Victory grants Tekgrams like the Tek Replicator and Tek Foundation.

Boss Fight Set

500 tokens

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ALPHA Broodmother Engrams

The Broodmother Arena, also known as Cobweb Cave is an arena for fighting the Broodmother Lysrix boss. The Arena is 37 °C or 100 °F bring good Hyperthermia protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended!

Broodmother Lysrix can also be challenged on The Center. The Center Arena appears to be an abandoned monastery worshipping the Megapithecus, as evidenced by various statues. The Arena is 6 °C or 42 °F So little Hypothermal protection is necessary. Entering the arena on The Center will also require the Megapithecus Tributes.


600 tokens

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ALPHA Megapithecus Engrams

The Megapithecus Arena itself is located beneath the blue Obelisk, but you can open the portal to the arena from any Obelisk or Supply Crate
The temperatures is really low, so having good Hypothermal protection such as Fur Armor is highly suggested. Consumables such Fria Curry, Shadow Steak Saute are recommend to be consumed before and during boss fight. More advanced players can also take advantage of Tek Canteen set in warm mode.

Broodmother Lysrix can also be challenged on The Center. The Center Arena appears to be an abandoned monastery worshipping the Megapithecus, as evidenced by various statues. The Arena is 6 °C or 42 °F So little Hypothermal protection is necessary. Entering the arena on The Center will also require the Megapithecus Tributes.


600 tokens

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ALPHA Dragon Engrams

This iThe Dragon Arena, otherwise known as Nerva Volcano is an arena for fighting the Dragon boss. The Temperatures are 45 °C / 113 °F so bring good hyperthermal protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended!

The pack includes all tributes needed to enter the Dragon Arena on alpha level:

  • 1x Artifact of the Cunning
  • 1x Artifact of the Immune
  • 1x Artifact of the Skylord
  • 1x Artifact of the Strong
  • 10x Allosaurus Brain
  • 10x Basilosaurus Blubber
  • 2x Giganotosaurus Heart
  • 10 Tusetheutis Tentacle
  • 15x Tyrannosaurus Arm
  • 10x Yutyrannus Lungss for testing purposes only


600 tokens

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